Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tour Day 68 Hot Weather and a Big Choice Sept 1 2010

I am going to talk about the motel I stayed at last night for a second. When I asked people where the cheapest place to stay was they all had the same answer. The bestway motel, which was right along my route. Now the lady who I dealt with was very kind but as soon as I walked into my room I felt as if someone was going to come in and stab me in the chest. Maybe it was the all-wood décor that was aged in a deep red, maybe it was the red (almost blood looking) stains in the sink, or maybe it was just my mind acting up. In the end I slept and woke up that’s all that counts.

My feelings in the morning were only reinforced by the sign that had a single flickering letter in that classic 80’s style neon. It really summarized Baltimore in one building.

I was going down the road and was enjoying the nice warm morning air when 4km into the ride I hear “pshhhhhhhhhhhh”. Great a flat. Even better a rear flat so I have to take everything off to fix it. So I take the tube out check the rim and time. Nothing was in them so I inflated the new tube. Wouldn’t you guess it another flat. So I find this super tiny piece of something and pull it out while I install my other new tube. The tire would not go on so I had to reef on it to get the bead to lock. Inflate and nothing. Pinched tube. Awesome so I am on my last tube and am praying that it goes well. Thankfully it was all-good and I was back on the road. I kept the two tubes because I wanted to patch them, but when I tried to patch the glue would not hold. So note to self specialized tube blow, axiom tube are tough.

When I got back to riding I was 30mins behind so it was my goal to make up that time before Washington. I constantly checked my times and was closing the gap. Finally I hit my goal right as I got into traffic. It was the morning rush entering the city so I was screwed. Luckily Washington is beautiful. It was the first U.S. city that I wanted to explore more of, which I did. After finding a bike shop to get some new tubes and bar tape (because mine smells like an old mans house I went off to see what the city had to offer. I didn’t look at my map or ever ask where attractions were they just popped up everywhere.

I saw everything by accident by we will still count it. I think the coolest experience was right after walking out of a huge military graveyard seeing the presidential motorcade come out of the Whitehouse. It gave me Goosebumps and chills as I stood there knowing the world’s most powerful man was 100feet away.

The other funny thing was at the pentagon they have these gated parking lots but within this gated parking lot that is guarded a vehicle had a boot on it. So that means that they ran the plate it popped up they then called for permission to get in. The booted it. Now getting a tow truck is going to suck for that guy because he is screwed.

It was at this point that it was nearing 100 degrees again and my body started to shut down. I have to say the unrelenting heat is as bad to ride in as the rain. It just zaps your body. I decided to shut the ride down early because my tourist times had put me behind schedule majorly and I had some personal stuff to catch up on anyways.

It has been a nice relaxing night that is well needed. I got to talk with some friends and family while doing my day-to-day chores. One thing I have said to everyone I meet is that I thought this whole thing would be so freeing but really I am more anal about chores, and timing here then I ever was at home.

In other news I have come to a conclusion about life when I get home. I am 100% going to join the military in some way when I get back. It is a great life choice, and will teach me a lot of transferable skills. I believe I will start off in the reserves and get my basic training out of the way so that when if I do decided to join I will not have to jump the extra hurdle. What pushed me to this conclusion is the trip itself. As much as it’s nice to be a free sprit and do what I want on my own time. It is equally as nice to have someone tell you what to do.
Trip Distance: 105km
Ride Time: 5:30hr
Avg. Speed: 19.17km/h
Total Distance: 9861km
Total Ride Time: 462hr
Destination: Woodbridge, Virginia

1 comment:

  1. You don't have to join the military, Ev, to have someone to tell you what to do everyday! ALL bosses, of ALL companies LOVE telling their employees what to do and how to do it and when to do it....OR can get a reall bossy girlfriend and she will LOVE to tell ya what to do!
