Saturday, October 30, 2010

Banks... Need I Say More Oct 26 2010

So I go to withdraw the full amount to purchase my motorcycle first thing in the morning. I assumed that 4 business days would be enough for cibc to get their stuff together but evidently not. So I was left $600 short, and I did not want to dink the guy with the bike around so I had t think of a plan b.

Plan b was to use my credit card, which I am always hesitant to use just because credit card companies are out there to screw us over with interest. The nice thing was that I had a car ride to and form the bank so I was not forced to ruin my board or get soaking wet. Neither option sounded too appealing at the time.

Over the next little bit I am going to work on my peak threshold endurance because right now even after sprinting 100 metres I am just toasted. My muscles hurt, and my heart is racing like a beaver. If I am going to get back on the track I need to fix that, and get used to my race bike again. I will save that for another day.

Nighttime came quick, which got me excited because that meant that it was almost time to go look at my first motorcycle. To put it in prospective I was not this excited when I got my car. It is similar to a few of my first Christmas memories… except not.

When dad showed up he handed me the visa slips from when was gone. Open the first one up and all is normal. I expected to see a $55 credit for the ticket I did not pay but put the money on my credit card for. So I open the next one and see that I am in debt close to $300. I hit the panic switch and think, “who used this”, “it was not stolen I have it in my wallet”. Even dad was baffled. It took us about 10 mins to figure out that they had combined both of out statements together into one. Thank heavens because that would have been a pretty nasty surprise.

Before I knew it there it was. A motorcycle that could be mine right in front of me. Now pitch black outside with nothing to see it but florescent lights their Ben Lee was. I never know what to do in scenarios like this I mean I do not know what the f I am doing so I am relying 100% on my dad and Ben. It is a strange feeling when you have no idea whets going on, and I very quickly came to the realization that I need to get my butt practicing a.s.a.p. In order to not die on public roads. The home depot parking lot is going to be my friend for the next little while.

The bike itself was a beauty. I love the look, and love the sound. Or lack there of. It has its issues but it is a bike that is as old as me. I know I have my battle wounds so it would be irrational of me to expect it to be a new bike. Still the better got of me and I walked away. Within seconds of coming home I was back on the classified sites looking and looking until my eyes started to water. Healthy I know. Then a second great learner bike came up, a buell blast. It says blast so it must be fun right…. I went to bed with thoughts of riding swirling in my head, it was like an addiction at this point.

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