Monday, July 26, 2010

Tour Day 32 Hotter Then Hell July 26 2010

Last night was the best night of the tour so far. Charles, Olivier, Lynette, and Claude all sat around the campfire and talk for what seemed like hours. All was nice and calm with a beautiful view of the lake while the sun was setting. The sound of country music filled the air as we swapped stories of the road. It was a great way to end a good day. What was also nice was not hearing the traffic in the background while you tried to sleep.

The morning was the morning. Today was nice because the tents were 100% dry. No morning dew and no rainwater. We were finally able to simply roll them up and leave it at that.

The first few k I could tell I stayed up late because I was struggling to keep my eyes open on the bike. For moment I would shut them for an extended period of time, which probably was not a good thing. About the only thing that kept me awake was the taste of the horrid water. Luckily when we stopped at a gas bar the young lady said, “I know the water is bad so take some of our bottled stuff.

At this point it was starting to get warm and it was only 10 in the morning. I knew that it was going to be a rough end to the day because I do not do so well in the hot weather. I figured I would be able to make it to lunch without getting burnt…. well that did not work. Luckily lunch came fairly quickly so it was only a slight tint of red not purple like my arms were before.

This is where the day started to go downhill. I ate my typical lunch for 2 but today’s lunches were a little larger then usual. But I am not one to throw away food so I had to eat everything. That was mistake one. Mistake two was drinking a dr. pepper, which only made things worse. Mistake three was getting on the bike right away and pedaling.

The km went by slow and as the food started to settle I started to feel worse and worse. It was like a lump in my stomach that just would not go away. When we stop at the info site in Twin Rivers I downed a ton of water, which helped a little. But I was still left hunching over the bike for a good amount of time.

After our pit stop it was back on the road at the same pass we had been going at all day which was not good news for me because I kept getting dropped, then had to sprint to catch up. Getting out of twin rivers id this very large hill as well. This was exactly what I did not need. It was roughly 36 degrees out, I was hurting, and I was going the speed of smell, which as a side note is about 8km/h. Getting up this hill I had never wanted to puke more I could feel my body jerking and pulling at itself to make it happen but of course nothing did.

I kept drinking water trying to replenish my fluids, which seemed to help with the stomach. When they say laughter is the best medicine they don’t joke either. One of the better moments was when I got to flip off an idiot driver and laugh it off with Olivier.

The 6 litres of water that I carried on my bike was gone by the time we reached the support vehicle for another rider. Luckily this was about 2k from a campsite. The support vehicle gave us a nice cool ginger ale and some shade to rest in which is exactly what I needed. I thought we would stay at the campsite 2km away but they wanted to push on to the one 40k away. I was not stoked about that fact

Luckily they broke down as bad as I did and we stopped at this campsite and now instead of being dead we have some time to relax, swim in the river and catch up on a few chores that have to get done.

I also just uploaded some new picture on my face book if you want to check them out.
Trip Distance: 145km
Ride Time: 6:39hr
Avg. Speed: 21.79km/h
Total Distance: 4664km
Total Ride Time: 216hr
Destination: 40km outside of twin rivers, Ontario

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