Monday, July 5, 2010

Tour Day 11 The Longest Day On The Bike Yet July 5 2010

So let me start from the beginning. I wake up like every other day and do not want to get out of my nice comfy sleeping bag. Unfortunately I hear that Charles and Oliver are up so I have to rush to get all my stuff together. And get on the road. Breakfast was at a local truck stop because the dinner we went to dinner at the night before did not open till 11. The greasy breakfast was actually surprisingly good. I guess anything tastes awesome when you are starving. Just like that we were off on the road with a nice tail wind behind us.

The miles were getting eaten up it was like the road was pointed downward. Brooks, which was 50k away, came up in under two hours, which is stellar. Felling awesome we left for our lunch stop at around 110k, which was a trailer just outside the Canadian forces base. I had a Monte cristo that was made with only the finest processed cheese. I don’t know why but up until this point in the day I had been singing anchorman quotes in my head. Something about Will Farrell just sings to me in the nights apparently because
This is not the first morning on the trip that this had happened.

The next road we took was a road that gave me nerd chills. If I had a time trial bike I would be in heaven. It was a road that was almost perfectly flat for about 35k that was all semi new tarmac so it was smooth as a babies bottom. I did not want to be at the back of the pack to experience it so I pushed myself to stay in front. This then prompted and all out sprint between Olivier and I going into redcliff. Racing each other side by side going as hard as we can go getting our heavy bikes up to 55k an hour. It was a rush on a new level.

Medicine hat was the next stop. It was also supposed to be our rest point for the night but because we felt good we rolled the dice and went for broke and rode to the edge of Alberta to camp there. When we arrive we find a truck stop with campsite at the side. It was a group choice but we decided to push on into this wicked crosswind that we had been fighting the 30k leading up to the edge of Alberta. Up until that point we had a 30k and hour average speed so thinking Alberta was the end I sprinted up the last hill to try to maintain that but to no avail I realized my efforts were futile and I had to give into the dreaded winds.

This wind was our welcome to Saskatchewan where we were greeted by some rolling hills. When Charles said ok lets take it easy I rolled back the effort level and very quickly got dropped. I then sprinted to catch up and got dropped again. My legs were just toasted and did not want to turn over the extra 40k worth of effort. Olivier suddenly found this burst of energy and was like a rocket keeping up with him was all I could do through these k’s.

Relief we see a campsite ad pull in. We then find out it is closed due to flooding. At this point I am gutted. My soul is crushed and my legs are sore. The guy tells us the next site is in swift current 130k away. That was not happening. Next step go to the tourist info site. There we are greeted by one of the sweetest women I have met so far. She catered to everything that we needed and let us camp on the property. Another lady sitting next to us overhears the conversation about our horrid end to the day and goes to the store and buys us a few snacks, which I was shocked by.

So there we are at the tourist info site winds blowing 40k an hour making life a living heck and what brings a smile to our face but a bird doing aerial stunts and swooping our heads as we eat our dinner that was well earned. To put the mileage in prospective that we did today if you rode the ride to conquer cancer a two day event that people train for we did that in one day.
Trip Distance: 259.68km
Ride Time: 8:55hr
Avg. Speed: 29.08km/h
Total Distance: 1546km
Total Ride Time: 77:19hr
Destination: Just west of Maple Creek, Saskatchewan

I am out of 3g service area so my internet stick does not work my posts may be a few days late but they will be updated.

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