Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tour Day 20 Lovely Ontairo... So Far July 14 2010

As Charles says “relax day”. We only did a few kilometres today because there is large gaps in between the cities so today I get to catch up on a few more obligations, and relax with a nice view of Kenora lake.

I woke up this morning and heard pouring rain outside so I do what most would do and put on all of my rain gear. My thinking is I would rather be smelly instead on cold and wet. Well take a guess what happened. As soon as I put on my shoe covers it stopped raining. It still did not stop me for leaving them on and cooking under one of the patios in the park though. After eating my morning gruel I had to take down my site which I was not stoked for because when I woke up it felt like a water bed under my tent so I new all the outside stuff was going to be wet. All I can say is thank god for waterproof bags and a great tent.

Once all packed the four of us (jean-François included) were about to set off when the same deer from yesterday came into our site and started harassing us. It gave us the glare as we were leaving as if to say this is my campsite feed me next time.

The wilderness here is something else. I have never seen a hawk before and within the first 15k I saw 7. One of which was at the side of the road and took flight as we rode past. I pooped a little when this happened because this things wingspan was the size of me. You could hear the wind when it flapped its wings. When they are in a group it is really cool to watch they circle in search pattern very thoroughly for food and don’t move on till they have scanned everything. As well we saw a deer on the side of the road munching on some grass until stupid me goes “O my god a deer” in my loud Evan voice and it takes off into the bush.

Just like that we were in Ontario. I find it amazing how climates and terrain change as soon as you switch provinces. Literally as soon as we got into Ontario the rolling hills started. JF man that guy must have some huge power in the legs because while Olivier and I spin up the hills at a high cadence he is massing up them on flat pedals at a cadence that I could not even ride on the flats. The hills here are fun so far it allowed Olivier and I a chance to practice our match sprints up hills. We are getting closer in terms of our strength I think because he is no longer leaving me in the dust.

Half way through the ride we stopped at a little log cabin where I picked myself up some of their home made turtles as well as peanut butter and dark chocolate fudge. This stuff was like a heart attack waiting to happen. I ate one chunk then saved the rest for the last half of the ride. I swear it made my feet go faster then ever. Maybe that was m issue in the Rockies I simply did not have enough fudge.

The day cleared up when we got into a little town called kenora. This place is lovely it seems like everywhere has a lake view, and a nice dock in front of it. No joke even the hospital had a dock in front of it which was odd to say the least. When you stroll into the downtown you see a few old building on the hill but a bustling downtown once you enter. Here is where we said goodbye to JF and hello to another Quebec bike tourist Charles met last night. We ate a delicious lunch together and shared some common stories, as well as some common glove tan lines.

Anyways I must be off to go make some dinner and get the rest of my housekeeping done because I think I may have left my tent open while I was uploading my pictures and blog. Remember if life is worth living it is worth recording.
Trip Distance: 73km
Ride Time: 3:23hr
Avg. Speed: 21.61km/h
Total Distance: 2807km
Total Ride Time: 132hr
Destination: Kenora, Ontario


  1. Wow! Ontario already?! Didn't you only leave - like - yesterday?

    I guess we can expect you back by the end of the month, then, huh?

    Glad to read you've made the fudge connection. :P
