Friday, July 23, 2010

Tour Day 29 An Awsome Start To The Day July 23 2010

Last night I was cooking my dinner as usual and it was time to drain the noodles so that I could add the sauce. I was dancing and twirling with the boiling water when all of suddenly I see my noodles on the ground. I released a little f bomb because I was pretty upset with myself for being dumb. So my back up was again nutella sandwiches. This is when I found out why the bread was on sale; the last 4 pieces of the not so wonder bread had mold spots on them. It didn’t stop me from eating it because I paid for it im not going to simply throw it out that would be very wasteful of me.

Anyhow morning came and it was time to make breakfast. I usually have a nice cup of hot chocolate in the morning to start the day off right. Well when I went to grab the pouch of hot chocolate it decided to rip and spray all over the inside of my bag. I then had to pull everything out and wash it, which was an extra chore I did not want to do. In my head I was thinking “great another good start”.

Getting on the bike I was ready to get out of that cursed campsite so we booked it double time down the road. This is when we run into the hill before st. marie. Everyone over hyped it because in all honesty it was not that bad. It could have been the overcast weather, the fact my legs felt good, or the fact when I saw the hill I started to smile that could have persuaded me to this conclusion but it is all the same.

When we came into Sault St. Marie it looked like any other highway town. A Wal-Mart to you left, a Canadian tire to your right, check this box here, and build a road there. But when you peal back the face of the town and get into the downtown you are welcomed by tree lined street and very well kept old houses. The downtown itself seemed quite busy as well which I can take as a good sign.

Lunch. Always a conversation piece, and today was no different. We decided to stop at this little all day breakfast and lunch place that was a converted house smooshed in-between two new building. You walk in the door and you have to shut it behind yourself. Then you look ahead and see an old style grill top with one guy wear a baseball cap working at his max speed which is roughly half that of a normal man. At the old beaten up chrome counter were three people. It was like a scene out of chips. On the right-hand side we had Aundry wearing a semi unbuttoned Hawaiian tee shirt with a well groomed grey Afro. In the centre was the crazy lady. Matted hair, and no real distinct features to talk about other then her wacky teeth. On the left was Phil who was just a normal 50-year-old balding man trying to eat his late breakfast? Andrey would help himself to the coffee in the kitchen, then help out clearing tables while he chatted up the owner who always seemed to be disappearing to do who knows what. The crazy lady would keep talking to seemingly no one, and when it was to someone it was to Phil. Phil was having none of it and tried to ignore it while he quietly ate. After 30min he finally started to speak quietly which only open the floodgates for more crazy rants from the crazy lady. Really it was a case of you had to be there to experience it for yourself.

Afterward I was talking with Olivier and he said the exact same thing to me. He said “back home we have a show where a cab driver goes to eat lunch at the same restaurant every day and you watch his antics”. Sounds strongly like the plot to chips if you ask me but who am I to tell.

We were rolling down queen street taking the sight of the town in and looking at all of the lovely old houses when Charles made a sudden left hand turn into this old garage for some air. This garage was about 44 years old and was in a residential area, which was odd. We then were greeted by bob the 84-year-old owner and sole employee of the shop. He gave me a brief look into what I am going to be like when I am older. He ranted as much, and about the same random stuff that I do to any audience that was willing to listen.

That brings us to lovely bruce bay 70k east of st. marie. This town of 600 is actually a hive of activity in proportion to the population. I am left with a bit of a sour taste in my mouth though because coming into the town this semi decided to cut into the shoulder and force us off into the gravel just because we are on bikes. I then see said trucker 2 blocks down the road pulled over at a rest stop and give him the thumbs up and shake my head.
Trip Distance: 153km
Ride Time: 7:02hr
Avg. Speed: 21.81km/h
Total Distance: 4162km
Total Ride Time: 194hr
Destination: Bruce Mine, Ontario

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