Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tour Day 23 I Am A Believer July 17 2010

It is official I am now a believer in fate. I will not spoil the end for you now so just keep reading.

This morning it was a full table at breakfast. We had Charles, Olivier, Julian, and me. As well we met up with Lauren at his motel to fill our water bottles, and brush our teeth because the water tasted like dead fish. It might have had something to do with it being in the tackle shop but I can no say for sure. But anyways we were off down the road to encounter some more rolling hills.

Lunch came very quick today only 50k into the ride because from that restaurant to the next one was a distance of 75km which was not doable on just porage and hot chocolate. In this esso restaurant laid the most fowl woman we have met to date. When we got in there was only two tables in the whole place occupied but she gave us this sort of attitude that completely put me off. When I took a minute to translate for the gang she had the nerve to say, “come on”. Then just the way that she processed everything just seemed a little too brash for my nature but maybe that how this little town operates.

By this time I was feeling a like listening to some music but did not want to plug in because the truck here pass you with what seems to be inches to spare. It scares the poop out of me sometimes and from living in Vancouver I am pretty comfortable in traffic. Luckily my ipod has a built in speaker so I thought I would be smart and play that. Well again I was not smart because all you could here with the passing traffic was the odd beat to a crazy techno song. I then proceeded to put that away and not waste my time.

Time that is also something else that changed today which always sucks because we now have to wake up an hour earlier. Not that we have TV or anything but we can’t watch our reality shows 3 hours ahead any more.

I don’t know how to say this so I will just blurt it out. I was taking a pee on the side of the road and heard a sound so I stepped back. I then heard it again and it was a meow, which was odd because the reason I was taking a pee on the side of the road was because we were 40k from any city, town, or even a house. I then meow back and forth with said animal for a minute. The out of the woods come bounding a 1-year-old black male cat. He was super friendly and wanted some loving. The others were down the road but I could not leave the cat in the woods to die. I then flag down a passing car and they take the cat in and were off down the road to give it a loving home.

The next 30k you could not have wiped the smile off of my face. I felt so good that I saved this cat. I mean what are the chances of me stopping in that exact spot, at that exact time, and finding a family that was normal and willing to take it in. I think about the same odds of me finding a group at the same skill level as me, the same distances as me, and all because I forgot a bottle at a bike shop.

Really that was the highlight of the day. Yea the next hills got steeper and were more fun for Olivier and I to mess around on. Yes the waterfalls we saw were beautiful and made for a great photo opp. And yes it is nice to be staying in a seedy motel because it was the same cost as a campsite. But I could not get that cat out of my head. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording. Especially if you are recording it while Charles and Olivier try to have a conversation with a man who lives in the bush with no running water and traps his own food. Only on a bike.
Trip Distance: 167km
Ride Time: 6:45hr
Avg. Speed: 24.74km/h
Total Distance: 3291km
Total Ride Time: 152hr
Destination: Keckabecka Falls, Ontario

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