Friday, July 23, 2010

Tour Day 28 SHort Of The Goal July 22 2010

Today started early. This is how it worked I woke up, put shorts and a shirt on, and we were out the door to go eat breakfast at a local restaurant in Wawa that opened at 6am. The lady who helped us looked at me strangely and proceeded to question me when I asked for 2 complete breakfasts. She said asked” are you sure?” I responded yes we are cycling from here to st marie. She clued in the and said “can I get anything else for you?” Today was also the first time that I can remember that I drank coffee. I know realize why I haven’t in so long because it tastes like garbage.

Over breakfast we talked about the ride. We knew that it was going to be rough because our maps showed us that the first 140k were very mountainous. Still we decided that we would attempt to get there come hell or high water.

The pass was different today because we were all aware of what laid ahead so we scaled back the effort level and cruised through the first 30k giving us a nice little warm up. The scenery through lake superior Provincial Park is nice, but really the coolest thing was the fog today. It gave everything that sleepy hallow feel. All we needed was the headless horseman riding beside us and we would be set.

I was pretty zoned out on the bike just focusing on putting consistent power into the pedals so that I do not burn myself out when a group of about 10 bikers ride by honking and waving. It took me a second to process because I was about to flip them off because most honks here are because we are on the road because most of the shoulders are a complete mess. I then realized that they were the bikers from our motel last night. By that time it was to late and if I waved I would have simply looked a little special.

Montreal River came up at km 115 and it was about 3pm. Over a lunch of nutella sandwiches, dr. pepper, and carrot cake we decided that the additional 105k was simply to far. Especially considering that we have to get into st. marie which is a 6 mile hill apparently that has a grade up to 12%. For those who don’t know that is the equivalent of vertical when you are on a 140lbs bike.

Instead we made in to pancake bay. The camping is expensive, the shower was garbage, but the view is super nice especially with the sun setting. While that’s happening though im stuck in a hot laundry room cleaning all of my junk so that I am not cycling nude tomorrow.

Really not too much happened today we simply got the job done and ran into a few people that we have seen in previous days that bike then drive ahead and repeat. The one lady has a bike I would gladly swap for a nice Trek Madone 6.9 that I ogled for a little while. Other then that I have just been obsessing over plans for after newfound land. It is not really a stress thing it is more of a which challenge do I want to take on. In all honesty I am leaning towards R.A.A.M. because it makes more financial sense for me, but then again I only am going to be in this position once. This battle goes on in my head for about 5 hours a day before I get sick of it and plug in my ipod.
Trip Distance: 159km
Ride Time: 8:00hr
Avg. Speed: 19.90km/h
Total Distance: 4004km
Total Ride Time: 186hr
Destination: Pancake Bay, Ontario

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