Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tour Day 35 Goodbyes and Miss Direction July 29 2010

This morning I was awoken with a nice home cooked breakfast and some pleasant French conversation that I understood none of. It was also the time where I had to say goodbye to Charles and Olivier. I was expecting a huge goodbye filled with emotions and hugs, but that was not the case. Instead we left it with a handshake and a simple bon voyage. I think that actually worked out better that way that I do not look like the weird over emotional Vancouverite.

Today was also a test of my navigation skills. Liz gave me a map to get to Richmond road where all the stores I needed to go to where. This map had two directions on it so I thought it would be simple. Well that was not the case. I managed to miss the turn and go into Quebec again.

After turning around and getting my shopping done is as already passed what my daily total should have been. I had worked up an appetite so I stopped in at a local restaurant. Now I do not know if it is the fact I am by myself or the fact that people in Ottawa are super nice, but everyone was interested in the tour and what I was doing with a bike that was so heavily loaded. It made me feel good about what I am doing and what I am doing for my community. It was a great way to bring back my confidence in human nature.

After shopping I was off to my cousins (I think) house. This trip was supposed to be 20k but I decided to ask 5 people directions. Each person gave me different directions so I just picked one at random. Luckily I picked the right first road, which took me into Kanada. I came to a T in the road so I decide to call thinking I was smart and ask which way to go. I got word that I had to go south. Me traveling east all the time I assumed it was to the right so I went right.

Well it was the wrong choice. I kept getting further and further into the boonies. I was getting my “o my god you live in the boonies” speech ready. Because I saw a golf course called eagle golf course, which made me go father down the road because I was looking for a road with eagle in the name.

It was not the right road so I went 15km for no reason. I then had to make up time because I said I was going to arrive at 2pm and it was 4pm. I then tried to take a shortcut. You can tell where this story is going. It was not a shortcut so I had to backtrack again and go back the long way.

This takes me to the entrance to the correct community. This is where I ask for directions again. Bad choice. I got again conflicting directions, which I took blindly. This added more kilometres to an already long rest day.

Well I family made it to the family house. I have to say it is very nice meeting new people and getting to know my extended family. They have been super welcoming and where more then happy to hear me ramble on for hours about my random stories that really have no ending.

I have also noticed that I am talking with my hands more. It is from trying to translate so much and I am sure it will come in handy tomorrow.
Trip Distance: 84km
Ride Time: 4:26hr
Avg. Speed: 19.00
Total Distance: 5042km
Total Ride Time: 234hr
Destination: Kanada, Ontario

1 comment:

  1. After hangin' with Charles and Olivier for these past weeks, you will find that you will talk with your hands for the rest of your life.It is a good thing!!
