Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dance To Mohair May 30 2010

I must say that it was a good day today. First off I woke up without my alarm, which is always a good start to the day, and second it was not raining so that meant that I could ride the mountain bike to work. Riding that bike is so much fun every little hump, bump, corner, or anything can be used to add a little spice to the commute. Had a pretty close call on a pedestrian island that I hit as a small hip this morning though.

I was super excited to get home today because I wanted to hear the song “night by night” by Chromeo again because I had it stuck in my head all day. I must say that chromeo needs way more respect all of there songs just get you to move and dance no matter where you are.

Mom got back from her trip to merit and decided to treat herself to a new car which is hella awesome. I offered a direct swap for my 1970 to mike in the morning but no takers surprisingly. She said she got me a gift from the trip. I asked what it was and heard that they were socks. So needless to say I initially was not to pumped. It is kind of like getting tires for Christmas. I thought that until I put them on. They are like pillows for your feet. Seriously contemplating raising mohair goats so that I can create a house of the stuff.

Ended off the night with a nice long board sesh. I was getting a little cabin fever so I decided to bust out the board. There is nothing better the going mach 10 down a dead calm street with no cars and just carving from side to side. It is not where you get to it is how to get to that location. The same could be said for the trip; and bike touring in general. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording.

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