Monday, October 18, 2010

Crazy Days Oct 18 2010

After taking my sweet time to get home last night I ended up getting to sleep at close to 2am because of bloging and wasting time. So when I woke up at 10 it was not really too much of a surprise. I was going to start my day with making plans with people but I was feeling lazy because I have not done any hard workouts in about a week. It was time to lace up and hit the ground running.

Once I was suited up in skins from head to toe, looking really intimidating in my matching spandex compression wear I was ready to workout. Now the way I usually run is simple get out and go for 2 hours and run as hard as I can. One thing the trip taught me is that not warming up destroys your muscles (as evidence from the kickboxing class shows). This time I decided to spend some time and dedicated myself to a proper warm up and cool down, and boy did it help. I felt quick. After 4 100m sprints I started doing 5 lap endurance efforts, then took it easy. Now instead of just walking home I decided to stay and talk with a few old friends at school. First up were Mr. Cambers and Dr. Provost. Both equally amazed that I got back so quick. Then after that a talk with Coach K. Coach K is a man that seems to have done everything. Whenever I want to get advice about my next crazy idea he is always a good person to go to because he has done it or has a sound opinion on how I could best accomplish it. Then once done said event I can come back and talk about it and realize that he was not blowing smoke up my… you know. Now here is were I made a plan with Mr. Chambers for coffee tomorrow.

After getting home and de-smellied I was back on the road to meet with Kristy to go for lunch at Happy Chinese Food. I am not sure what about this small restaurant was happy, but it sure was not the decor or the 1970’s building it was placed in. Now I am a guy who likes to throw curve balls so when Kristy asks me “what are you getting”? Most would give a simple answer. I instead say “you ordering for the both of us”. Which would be easy if the owner spoke any English. About the only thing we could make out was that the order Kristy wanted to make was not possible so she scrambled to create some other monster of a Chinese food dish that would stuff us with MSG. It was good spending some one on one time with friends. When everyone was at the airport all at once it was very overwhelming. Where as in a setting like that I can tell stories that fit with those people and situations not just some broad statement about which place I liked most then having to spend 15 minutes qualifying said statement.

Now after last night episode of not fitting into my jeans because my butt and legs were to large to fit in them I knew I had to go to the mall, which is one of my least favourite places in the world. So I figured I would ask Kristy if she wanted to come shopping with the mother unit and I. Surprisingly she said yes but then backtracked and said what can be summed up as “if you scare me off a bus stop is 20 feet away”.

The way I shop is can be described in one word, power. How long does it take for a girl to buy 3 pairs of jeans? Possibly an entire day. I hauled Swope into 2 stores walked through without stopping and saw nothing. The last stop was Bluenotes. I grabbed 3 pairs off the shelf tried them on got the girl seal of approval and was out the door in 15minutes. Now to get Kristy one top took the remainder of our 30-minute time budget. Baby steps though Rome was not built in a day so I cant expect to change the way females shop in one day, there is always tomorrow though, then the next day.

Now at home I dropped my bag and was off to visit the neighbours who had been loyal blog followers. The picture I remember of the heffelfingers is of a family that was very sheltered and not very outgoing. Well those thoughts were completely wrong. This was really the first time I have spent time and talked with them in a long time. It was good to hear that Leslie hitchhiked New Zealand, that Anna is not the cleanest person in the world (slob was actually the word used but in a nice way), and that the boyfriend is an average guy that drives a car that seemingly brakes down all the time. Maybe it is the trip but I now realize that 99% of people are normal. What is normal? Normal is getting worried about someone leaving on a trip. Normal is enjoying spending time with people new or old, young or old. Normal is just… I want to finish this statement but I don’t have a third thing yet and don’t want to force it but it will come.

The came a quick grilled cheese and I was back on the road to Kristi Wilson’s to disrupt her while she tried to study for a midterm. Things were strangely normal. I don’t really have much more to say then that, it is looking like tomorrow is going to be equally crazy because I have said to 4 people that I can make time for them. So make time I must. Sorry to anymore if im not responding quickly because I have been all over the map.

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