Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tour Day 43 Never An Average Night (redone) Aug 7 2010

I am going to re-do this blog because I did not do the day justice yesterday. The night was, well let’s just say eventful. I showed up and got the very last camping spot available which I was pretty happy about. Even if it was full I am pretty sure they would have found space. I got cleaned up and fed before I walked around to take a loo at the nice view I had when I see a lady with a quality bike. This quality bike had its forks on backwards so I say to her “do you want me to fix your bike for you”? She was curious what I meant because she had been riding it like that for 3 years. We hit off a conversasation while I am fixing the bike and find out that she is a nurse so that was pretty cool. It was also funny watching her ride off because she seemed a little shaky now that the bike was more stable… odd I know.

The night well you already now about that. I was enjoying some nice peace and quiet when the sound of a harmonica and steel string guitar ring over the campgrounds p.a. system. Needles to say I have slept better.

The morning was cold. Cold enough for me to put on my jacket and warm gloves when I was out on the road riding. It was also a really nice morning ride because I had a tail wind pushing me the whole way. As well my bike had never been lighter. I had also never been that low on food before so the sobeys in the next town was my first stop.

Everything is different out here from the way people act, to the way that the ally ways in the grocery store are laid out. I mean the slim fast was next to the feminine health products, and the milk was next to the bread. Really I was perplexed by the merchandising.

The rest of the day went pretty smooth. I took a detour along the infamous starfish road to get a good picture of Confederation Bridge and almost immediately doubted my choice. The road that it led me down had grad growing out of the centre and no marking on it. Still though I decided to press on with the sound of Rossi’s rendition of Othello in my head.

The road eventually opened up to an abandoned airfield that had been converted into a campsite that was right next to a rested water tower, which looked as if it was going to fall over at any minute.

Next was the 45min wait for the shuttle, which really killed the day. I had no choice but to sit on my butt and wait for this van to pull up. The bridge itself was very cool simply because it was so long. In the back seat of the shuttle there was a guy who was in shorts and a tee shirt and I ask, “Where are you going”? Thinking he would say the beach or something along those lines. He then said he was going to his brothers wedding, which I found very surprising because it was at tat time 3:30pm.

The campsite for the night had a beautiful view but was very windy. Thinking ahead I listened to the weather forecast. Well that was a bad idea because the forecast did not go in my favour. I found out that tomorrows ride I was going to have a headwind for the entire day that was going to be gusting up to 40km/h.
The best thing to ease my mind was some good company, which came in the form of rod. I did not think much of him when I walked up because just one look told me he was not doing this the same way I was. My snotty ness was met by a very kind personality and some very nice conversation. It was nice to not talk about bike or km’s for more then five minutes. We covered everything from African tribes, to Winston Churchill. I don’t know how we connected those two things but somehow we managed it.

Trip Time: 6:53hr
Avg. Speed: 23.59km/h
Total Distance: 6491km
Total Ride Time: 299hr
Destination Cameron Cove, P.E.I.

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