Friday, August 20, 2010

Tour Day 56 Restoring My Faith In Fate Aug 20 2010

I have to learn how to have more faith. That is what I learned from yesterday.

I was down in the dumps a little bit after the bad news about the bus so I did what every other Atlantic Canadian does and went to time Horton’s. This time without my shoe covers so that I would not loose them. Tim Horton’s here are like malls. The parking lots are always full even in the small towns, and in the larger towns you have one at the entrance of every exit off the highway.

When I got back to the depot I had 3 hours to kill and I was thinking it was going to be super painful. To ease the pain a little I decided to plug in and charge my ipod. Across from me was this woman who looked about 3 years older then me in an old school bowler hat and American apparel everything. She says, “Where are you going”? From that point I just opened up and pretty much told her my life story. We very quickly hit it off. It was almost as if we knew each other before. I mean we liked the same music, biked, and had the same introverted approach to most things.

At this point I was still sitting across the walkway when a crazy man comes in with a smoke in his mouth and starts rambling to me about something or other. I could not understand him so I simply nodded and moved to where he was pointing his finger.

Very quickly three hours passed. I then had to push my broken box onto the bus with some help. Here I snagged a quick nap before we stopped in moncton. When I awoke I finally clued in. I did not get this stranger that I had been talking with for going on 5 hours. So I ask the question and find out her name is jess. Jess and I continued to talk for the rest of the trip and then she helped me reassemble my bike outside of the bus depot.

At this point I had made my mind up no more vehicles. I had taken the bus back to Moncton, which is where I went to Pei from so my goal of emiliminating back tracking was complete. Anything extra I would just be getting greedy. Plus I am more determined and driven then that. I can pedal my butt that extra 180km. Here is where Fred the bus driver went to bat for me at the depot office. He demanded that they give me a refund for at least part of the trip. Which they did so I was elated.

Once I got back on the road it was dark, and within 3 feet I saw a woman in a short dress and heels. Assuming the worst I thought, “damn I am going to have to pedal my butt off tonight. I then wondered around for about 10 minutes and found myself on the main drag in Moncton. It was a Thursday night and the place was packed. Every patio was full, every bar was full, and the road was being cruised by every hot rod and bike in the town. It was a really cool feeling.

I stopped to talk with some people to find a campsite but no one had any ideas. One guy said there was one 1.5k away so I went on the hunt, but never found it. At this point it was 9:30 and I had made my mind up im rough camping it. Before that I stopped in at a locally owner hotel to ask one more person. After telling them what I am doing they said that I was to stay there. And worked me out a price. That was exactly $25 over that of my return money so I was super happy about that.

I was so excited to ride the next day that I did not get to sleep until midnight. The only thing that put me to sleep was background music courtesy of BBQ pit masters on tlc. Possible the most useless show on tv these days.

The day’s ride really was normal which is what made it so nice. It was nice weather to start the day, and then a bit of rain, then clear the end of the day. It just felt good to get out and stretch them legs for a change. Tomorrow the U.S.A.

Other then that I am in st. John right now a really ugly industrial town that has a beautiful view of some local factories from the knoll that I am on.
Trip Distance: 180km
Ride Time: 8:14hr
Avg. Speed: 21.92km/h
Total Distance: 8174km
Total Ride Time: 379hr
Destination: St. John, New Brunswick

P.S. I will be on CKNW tomorow between 12 and 4pm

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