Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tour Day 42 New Province New Time Aug 5 2010

Last night I experienced a new mixture in a campsite I don’t think I will ever see again. Next to my tent was a helicopter landing pad, and just a block away a big top. I say that to say this. When I was trying to sleep last night the helicopter rides started, and when they stopped a green day cover band started to play. Luckily I was tired and feel asleep, but when I awoke to take my midnight pee the band was still playing. I could tell the singer was tired though because his voice was noticeably quieter.

I am really glad that I stayed an extra night in Quebec because this morning’s ride was a real treat. A thick blanket of fog is what I got to ride through while I view the beautiful hills that surrounded me. When I looked down I would always see a fisherman standing in the river trying to test his mornings luck. It was really special, and it helped that I had a favourable wind.

This brings me to a bone that I have to pick. The info centre said, “only one crossing here”. Well they were wrong there Is 2 crossings to get into New Brunswick. I come to them for help and I end up correcting them something is wrong with that situation.

When I got into New Brunswick I went to what else but the tourist centre. This is where I found out that I lost another hour. My good day where I was ahead of schedule quickly became one where I was behind and needed to catch up (in my mind at least). After downing my peanut butter, banana, and mars bar sandwich I was off to make up some time.

Luckily I had a tail wind so it pushed me along the 134 with ease. I was climbing at my average speed, and descending at a pretty good pace as well. It was all going smooth which is odd.

Because I was back on track I stopped for lunch at my regular time and got to gorge on another buffet. Well that did not work so well. I have to learn not to eat till I am ready to puke because man does it destroy your legs. I was feeling all right for the first 20k then it hit me like a ton of pasta. I was struggling to get to my rest stop.

When I pulled into the camp it started to lightly rain. The one cloud in the sky happened to fall right where I was which I found kind of funny. But because I like making the best of my time I decided to set up and press on. This was until I went to have a shower. I went into the bathroom and heard these moans and groans coming from the single shower. The door was open so I peer in. The guy said he would be out in a minute so I waited. After waiting 10 I left and opened my laptop up. 20mins later I go back in and he is still in there grunting away. I wondered if I should ask if he was ok or if that was to personal so I simply left again. When I finally got in I got the privilege of a luke warm shower.

The other thing that was on my mind today other then “holy crap I am on the east coast”. Was the fact that I do not speak any more. Back home I talk all the time. But in the space of a day on the road I say fewer word then I type on here. At lunch I order which is roughly 30 words. Camping I pay which is again roughly 30 words. The odd curious person is all I get to converse with, but because they are usually headed somewhere that’s usually cut short so lets say 200-300 words. I just have too much time on my hands to over analyze my life right now so this is what comes of that.
Trip Distance: 157km
Ride Time: 7:11hr
Avg. Speed: 21.88
Total Distance: 6161km
Total Ride: 284hr
Destination: Pointe Verte, New Brunswick

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