Sunday, February 28, 2010

GOAL Feb 28 2010

Iginal to Croseby HE SCORES!! Sidney croseby in overtime! These words immediately made all of us go nuts in the shop. When we hear the magic words we huddle around the computer screen to watch the goal because the live stream was about 2 mins behind. Right as the play is coming up Justin wiggles the mouse and freezes the computer so we miss the play. It made me so happy too whatever stress they put on me off my shoulders. Then after we won people finally started to come into the shop.

Once home ate then went mountain biking in the pitch black with kev. It was a whole new level of fun. The trails that you think you know you don’t. At one point we were side by side and we turned off out lights and I literally could not see my hand in front of my face. Then the best part. Got stuck in a mud puddle planted my foot and got mud literally up to the tope of my chucks. So the ride home we tied my show to the bike on back. I wonder what people though. If I saw it I would say they had a great time… which would be the truth. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording.

Last Day of Concerts Feb 27 2010

So I thought that this weekend being the last weekend of the Olympics things would be dead at work. Boy was I wrong it was packed (for February) all day. One thing that is a guilty pleasure of mine is responding to two gentlemen each day one is a guy who bought a trek after 2 years now is just waiting for it and the other is a guy looking to build a trek. So these two people although at different points are sharing the same experience.

Once I got off rhys gave me a ride downtown because he was going to go jam with his band. I am always surprised by rhys. Conversation just seems to flow, and his music choices are impeccable. I still have a lot to learn from him. Not to mention his GTI was probably the nicest and smoothest car I have ever ridden in to date.

After walking up to sears on Granville I met up with Kristi, heather, Aaron, and two other random guys I have never met before. They were just walking around and had no plan so I jetted and decided to get into Yale town to watch blue rodeo.. which diverted from my original plan to see the stills in Richmond.

The concert itself was alright I swear I was the only one under 40 in the crowd. It was pretty laid back and they didn’t get the crowd going (maybe they were afraid hips would be broken). In the end it is still way better to be surrounded by people then to be surrounded by nothing.

The ride home was pretty relaxed met a pretty chill old guy that complimented me on the photos I had taken during the Olympics. Then met a few more people at coquitlam station that made the wait a little less painful. Remember if life’s worth living its worth recording.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Evan Vs. A Car Feb 26 2010

It seems these past couple weeks have been filled with bad news. Today was no exception. I got to work and was told I would not be able to get off early to go to the concert I wanted to go see. That isn’t that bad but I get Kristi to pick me up and she says you drive. I say sure no problem. I drive us literally 5 mins away from OZONE (the concert venue). Lost we pull into a gas station we pull out of the gas station make an immediate right yield shoulder check see a guy coming he passes slows to go into the gas station I proceed forward and hit his rear quarter panel. At that point I shit my pants. We did everything legit through ICBC and I will have to pay. I have to man up to my issues and deal with them simple as that. The ride home was nerve racking I felt bad because I did it but I felt even worse for Kristi because its her family relationship and trust that was broken.

Once we got to her house we broke the bad news and they took it well we dealt with it phoned made out claim and got everything sorted. On the plus side everyone is ok and its only money. If that’s all it takes to learn a life long lesson then that’s golden. I just hope that it is as easy on the other end with Kristi. It is hard to see family be disappointed in family. It would have been even worse if we lost the hockey game to Slovakia.

Once I got home I woke my mom and mike up and told them what went on and they took it very well. Better then I though. I think they realized that I delt with this the right way and am manning up to my problems. The way you act in the hardest times shows your true character. Anyways I am going to go eat and sleep. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording.

P.S. I found it extremely weird the ride back to my place with Kristi. I said this to her as well, and asked her “how do we end this tonight”. I mean we went through all of this I feel like a regular goodbye just doesn’t do it. She had no response and though I was crazy for over thinking this one part after what had happened. The way I ended it was bye saying “I will shut my mouth, but not my mind; goodnight”.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tourist Time Feb 25 2010

So I I had to go to work today. I was not stoked on this because as soon as I got there I received a text from kev asking if I wanted to go for a ride. On the plus side it was dead, and I was pretty excited to go downtown and look at all the attractions downtown. I decided to bring my bike so that I can look at everything in one night. The caldron was pretty sweet, saxo house was lit up like a church (and weirdly all I saw in it was people working out. The sweetest part was Granville island they ahd a super sweet parade that reminded me of day of the dead in Mexico. It had sweet costumes, and even sweeter drumming. The coolest thing though was being surrounded by people speaking French; not a single person while I was down there spoke a word of English. I was a little disappointed by the other pavilions near science world. They looked awesome but there was not much of a buzz surrounding them it seemed. The trip home was quick and painless. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Canada 1st and 2nd... What? Feb 24 2010

Happy Olympics. I can think of nothing better to fill a day then sit around in a basement with a few of your best buds watching Canada beat Russia 7-3. Then continue to watch up place 1 and 2 in women’s bobsleigh. It was immense. That is the only word I can sue to describe it. It is hard to describe how pumped up you get, and how much you find yourself filled with pride. I am so lucky to live in this beautiful city. It took me going downtown most night and being dead tired for work to realize it but I live in an amazing place. Now this may just be the folk music im listening to right now talking, or maybe the goggles that I have on for no reason restricting the blood flow to my head. Tomorrow should be a good day have to work on my day off, but that’s what it takes to help out a fellow friend. If life is worth living its worth recording.

Best Concert EVER Feb 23 2010

So today was awesome. Not only did we win the hockey game but I went to the best concert I have ever seen. After work went downtown and it was raining. I was not to optimistic about this whole concert idea. I show up and get into a few pavilions to warm up and when I come out get a sick spot for the opening band; the Constantine’s. I had never heard of them before tonight but O MY did they rage. I got so pumped I was dancing like I was tina turner. After them wintersleep came in. Now to start off I was not to impressed but they got the groove going and destroyed a 8 minute instrumental that was disgusting how good it was. The ride home was equally as awesome. When I got to coquitlam station I though I was going to be waiting an hour when a bus driver pulls up and says where do you want to go, and drove me home. All in All an amazing day. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording.

Monday, February 22, 2010

What Happens When A Rack Does Not Fit Feb 22 2010

Not gunna lie not in the mood today. Had to do some really shit tasks today then stayed helping a guy till like 6 30 only to have him return the item it sucked. On the plus side im still living, and my nap was amazing. Cant wait for Friday. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Super Sunday Feb 21 2010

Horray for short days. Work seems to take 2 hours on Sundays. Especially Sundays where you don’t stop running around. I got a ride to work which was nice and I had my bike at work so rode home. Really the best of both worlds.

Once home it was pretty typical. Ate dinner which was steak again. I don’t know what my family has with steak these past few weeks because it seems like all we eat. I would much rather have a nice pasta, or my craving today which was French fries. Some hand cute fries with a bit of seasoning salt. Speaking of salt I cant find my sunglasses. I think they are in my car but that would require a 2 minute detour to look for them. Instead I will piss and moan. The only other thing I couldn’t get off my mind was this song. It says don’t kill the messenger in it I think, and I think it may be by the arkells but I really don’t want to by the cd to find out. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording.

Sam Roberts? Feb 20 2010

Hello Saturday. Work was mayhem today. The thing that got me through the day was thinking of going to Sam Roberts at night. So got on the bus to go downtown and guess what it was full, and the waiting line was around the block. The solution then was to go English bay and watch the light show, and walk around the mayhem that is Granville. It was crazy you not walk around at certain points. If life is worth living its worth recording.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Bad Day Feb 19 2010

So today I was miserable. I was sore from yesterday even though it was awesome. And I really didn’t feel like hearing the bad news about my car. And it transferred to work I was brain dead all day. Took the car to gregg the body guys house an he said whoever painted it used the wrong primer so the whole car needs to be redone. 4 grand later it will get done. Just f’ed. Anyways if life is worth living its worth recording.

Screaming Loud Music And Bicycles Feb 19 2010

So woke up super early this morning to meet up with Eric and Shane at coquitlam station to go for a good mountain bike ride up eagle. Now Eric and I had never ridden eagle before so we thought that Shane was just being a woosy when he said we are only doing one lap. We quickly realized this was no joke when we were hiking up what seemed like a river for 40mintutes the a sketchy road for another 20 minutes. Now we see the end of the trail called 4 lost souls and the first think you see is this 10 foot drop in to a step down that has a lip. I pooped a little.

So we hike up to the top of the trail and start riding. It was not as bad as I thought because everything had a ride around. There was no way my wheels were leaving the ground today. So we get to the end of 4 lost then make our way down the dentist. Which I have to say is probably the most fun I have ever had on a bike. There was this one section that was really rocky, and a little wet through a part of it. I swear that you are up at 30k an hour. Now I rode it once the hiked back up, then again with Eric and he had trouble keeping up with me. Keep in mind I am on a bike with 5 inches of travel and he has one with 8. We get to the bottom adrenaline going and go to do it again. I lead again rippin it try a new line and feel the back end start the wobble. I then don’t turn to try to get in to tuck back in no dice. Wobbles worse and worse. Then bam down at around 30k an hour onto solid rock. I rolled a few times and got back up. My full face had a pretty good chunk out of it after that. I would have to say it was equal to Eric’s fall where his front wheels stuck in the landing from a drop and stopped himself with nothing but his face.

We then proceed to get lost once we rode down the power lines. It was brutal we thought we were gunna die out there for a few minutes. But luckily we cut onto the golf course and ripped through that to make our way to the main street and back to our cars. Just have to say something about riding a full suspension through a course in full gear felt amazing.

Came home slept a little proceeded to get really sore. I have no clue why but the back of my head started hurting…. So the perfect remedy was to go to the concert in Richmond which featured the arkells and our lady peace. Getting there sucked because my navigation was horrid. But once I got there holy cats was it good. The arkells sounded better live then they do on record; and our lady peace were so good that they ripped off my face chewed it and spat it back onto my head leaving it in a mangled screaming smile.

This great day was only topped by an awesomely fast drive home with no hiccups, and kimchi once I was home. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Goodbye Beardtard Feb 17 2010

Not so happy Saturday. Go to insure my car and I was pumped. Go to see the car and drive and I because red with anger. The roof had absorbed water and had bubbled. I asked my dad what to do and he simply said that it needs to be sanded stripped and repainted. No stoked. Anyways cant cry over spilt milk. The rest of the day was alright. I mean it could not get any worse. Listened to some music hung out at minnikhada park, and drove around. All in all not that bad. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording. P.S. Shaved my beard off figured it was bad luck.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Firday Feb 16 2010

Any Friday is bound to be a good day. Work was amazing I dealt with every customer like they were Jesus. I gave them mur, gold, the whole nine yards. Mainly because I was stoked to go see alexisonfire down at live city. So after work Eric and I head down there and arrive 2 hours early for the concert thinking it should be a sure in. Little did we think everyone else had the same idea. So we ended up not getting in by about 50 to a hundred people which kind of sucked. I really could not care less however because in the end I got to spend the night with people I like to be around. We had really cool people around us in the line, had some sweet conversations in the first sky train, got to meet a really sweet mother of 3 in the other sky train, then spent the rest of the trip getting to know more people. What is there to loose. I mean everyone hates translink so why not make it a little less painful. All that you can get is a positive outcome… unless you get knocked out by some drunk. But lets not focus on the negative. All in all a fantastic night one that I would not trade for anything. Remember if life’s worth living its worth recording.

P.S. I think the highlight of the night was dishing out highfives coming down the escilator. It really makes you and and the eprson recieving the high five happy.


So this summarizes my day. Woke up for work and went “holy cats I need sleep”. Got home sat on the couch to relax had a 4 hour nap. Now I am doing my blog then proceeding to go to bed after. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording.

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Fun Bus Ride? Feb 14 2010

Good morning 2 a.m. on a work day you are a bittersweet friend. I know it is going to suck tomorrow, but tonight was worth it. The concerts were alright mother mother were as expected and Daniel Wesley kind of shit the bed. My one complaint was that they did play as a band but rather three separate pieces… not to mention breaks in between every song. The best part of the night however was the way home. Granville was alive with literally thousands of people having a good time. Everyone was happy and I was happy to capture them in the moment with a few pictures. Laser graphiti on the walls of The Bay were sick as well the fireworks were off the hook.

On the skytrain Met a really cool guy named willf. His wife paints pictures of photos he has taken. These paintings had to be the best things I had seen. The people across from us also thought the same thing. We swapped a few stories and talked about my trip, and they had nothing but positive reinforcement for me. I got to talking with willf some more and I found out he had a fake eye. I asked him about it and you could physically watch his mood change.

While waiting for the 701 I met up with one of my old friends from high school then she proceeded to run into two of her friends. So the 4 people at the bus stop at 1 a.m. all knew each other… small world man. Anyways time to go to sleep remember if life is worth living its worth recording.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Best Concert Yet Feb 13 2010

Wowzer what a busy day. Work was work. The new girl started today, and was very quiet as usual with any new person. But again my mind wasn’t on work it was on the concert afterwards. Hopped on two buses and a skytrain to get my ass down to Richmond to watch two of my favourite bands. One of which was Hey Ocean, and Bedouin Soundclash. Hey Ocean were amazing, not many people around me knew them so I educated them. Mind I think everyone was won over when the lead singer pulled out her jazz flute. Bedouin was crazy I was damn near the very front with all the moshers, and crowd surfers trying to protect my camera. It was so much fun so many cool people. I find it amazing we are all raging then when someone looses an earring everyone pitches in to help find it. The ride home was not as much fun because all the buses were packed and they were only running every half hour. But remember if life is worth living its worth recording.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Olympic Fever Feb 12 2010

So it is official I have Olympic fever. At work today I couldn’t focus on the job at hand all I wanted to do was go home and watch the ceremonies. This feeling was not only held by me but rhys as well so we shut down the store right at 6 no dinking around. I ripped home at what felt like 40k an hour the whole way. As I sit here 4 hours latter I am still in my cycling tights. It was awesome the poetry was immense, and the hallelujah song was off the charts. I could have done without the opera, and broken torch holder but that’s life. I just couldn’t help but picture monster trucks in bc place the entire time though. I apologize in advance I will not be updating as early the next few weeks as I am planning to go to as many concerts as possible. Remember if life is worth living it is worth recording.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Another One Of Those Days Feb 11 2010

Good morning night time. God damn Olympic events starting at 7 in the morning. Got down to downtown poco to watch the torch in the rain, I am standing there in the cold in my cycling kit waiting with my dslr. Took a few photos of the convoy coming then I see the flame and go to take a photo… nothing. The camera dies. I turn it off and on, then hold the display button, then off and on. Now I am panicking because its about 20 feet away. I will it to just work; then the flame passed unceremoniously. The lady beside me then proceeded to ask why I didn’t take any photos and I said I do not know. She then proceeded to look at me like I was drunk.

Once I got home I had an hour to kill and took the battery out of my camera and put it back in. You guessed it fired right up. Weird situation. From that point you just looked at the rest of the day as only going up.

Two words summarized the rest of the day. Meat loaf. Not the singer even though he is awesome as well. Anyways now I can’t write anything more random so you know the drill if life is worth living its worth recording.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Monday Blues On A Saturday (I Mean Wednesday) Feb 10 2010

One of those days man. That’s all I am going to say. I am not pumped on a seven day work week to start off with. The fact that my schedule gets messed up just so that other peoples can stay the same is not fair. But hey I have to take it. But when your Monday starts off this way all you can do it laugh. It just seemed like all the problems for the months saved up for the day. Anyways you just have tot ankle them one by one and get stuff sorted. I guess I was a little more irritable because of the fact I have 10 pound ankle weights on all day because if I can get out for a ride I have get my muscles working somehow. Once home had some dinner then a nap now I’m up and have to go back to bed to wake up at 6a.m. tomorrow to watch the Olympic torch. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fail Day Feb 9 2010

So woke up early think of going for a run and that didn’t happen. Instead I spent the morning shopping. Got myself a new tripod for my camera, as well as a ballin ass flash for it. Now I thaught a flash simply… flashed but boy was I wrong. All I said is set me up and spend my money for me. So after a bit of shopping around got the lowest price I could find so that was pretty stellar.

Once back home made myself some dinner and headed out to Vancouver to meet up with my friend Britt down on Granville to check out some Olympic stuff. Once in Van I cruised around Granville getting some nice photos. I have to say we are putting on one heck of a show in my opinion. Britt gives me a call telling me to come get her from her date and I do. One look at her attire I ask “Do your feet hurt?”. She says “Yes they kill”. So we came to the conclusion of heading home after trying to find a cheap pair of flats which didn’t work out. So I am not gunna lie I was a bit raddled because it took an hour and a bit to get down and over an hour back for a 20minute walk up Granville. Anyways reschedule for when more of the venues are open I guess. Remember if life’s worth living its worth recording.

Monday, February 8, 2010

My Home Town Feb 8 2010

So I had today off because my schedule at work has been changed around a little bit. It feels a little weird; almost like I didn’t even start work this week. I guess that’s a good thing actually. Felt like a pretty busy day actually woke up and hit the ground running. Got my new helmet, then putted over to the other store to test what may become my new bike hopefully. Man is it nice it feels like it weighs 2 pounds when your pedaling it.

I was supposed to hit up eagle with Kev at 2 but he didn’t get off school till later so I hung out at the shop and met the new guy. Once kev got there we headed up the mountain. Now I have never ridden this trail so I was a little nervous because it was my first time mountain biking without a full face. But lordy did I rip it. This trail we rode was fast and flowy. Hit my first ever drop (mind you I almost bailed on it). Rode the longest ladder I have ever attempted which was sick, and on top of that rode a ladder to a rock which was pretty crazy. Now it wasn’t the smoothest but I will take it. Man did I get a good sweat going Kev is getting way faster pedaling.

Once home I chilled because I was bagged. Ate dinner watched some tele and listened to some good music. Remember if life is worth living it is worth recording.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

FIGHT Feb 7 2010

So last night was pretty messed up. Friends got into a fight. One friend ended up in the hospital because his knee dislocated again, and emergency took for what seemed like days. But hey that’s in the past and a new Sunday was ahead.

Work was a usually Sunday, but having 2 sales people blows goat balls for lack of a better term. I didn’t get to have my lunch which sucked, and I was missing the football game. On the plus side my buddy is alright(ish) and is going to walk again. Pretty crazy night don’t really know what to take from it other then the fact we are all maturing and the fact we mature at different speeds may create so rips.

Dinner was a collection of football foods like meatballs, and pork. And it defiantly made me feel fat. Thus why I am about to workout in a few minutes. You know the drill if life is worth living its worth recording.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Party Night Feb 6 2010

So I am only gunna write a tiny bit today as I am on my way out the door to got to Mario’s 20th birthday party. I suddenly feel old. My friends are not teens anymore; it is kind of a weird feeling and I am not sure I like it. Work was busy as heck so to come home relax, eat dinner, and shave my head felt good. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Techno Nap Feb 5 2010

So today was pretty uneventful which is probably a good thing. Mondays are always this way, and I do not mind one bit. Once I got home and got some food in me I decided to take a nap because I was a little tired. I accidentally left my techno on and boy howdy did it give me messed dreams. It was like everything was in fast forward. As actually pretty sweet because I felt a little like robo cop. That is until I woke up and my calves were still sore as balls.

Last night took a stranger twist as well because Kristi came over. I completely forgot I told her to. So we hung out for a little bit while she hijacked some music off my computer. It was defiantly good catching up with her and getting things organized for the weekend… if I manage to remember the plans. Thanks good for friends. Remember if life’s worth living its worth recording.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Government vs. Raptor Jesus Feb 4 2010

So today was productive, or at least the first part of the day was. Was up nice and early for my meeting in the bank to work out some stuff. Now the stuff itself was easy to work out because I knew nothing and the guy said this is what we are doing. The whole time though I just imagined this guy getting eaten my a raptor. Now maybe its just because he seemed a little sleezy. Or the fact I watched the Philip defranco show where raptor Jesus does come into play every now and then, but it just nodded and said ok. Until he asked for some info I didn’t have.

I then had to come home get said info and go for a 10k run before I could no back. The run was alright legs felt good until the last 9k. Once back and nice and sweaty I decided what banker wouldn’t want to deal with hot sweaty Evan and headed back down to wrap everything up.

The rest of the day was pretty calm. It was filled with cleaning the bathroom, watching the game, and shaving my head. Good weekend. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

O Happy Day Feb 3 2010

Good morning world. It is a bright overcast Wednesday, and it is way to early to be up on a Saturday. This day started off a little rocky my mom comes in and says “Evan your dentist appointment is at 2 today”. So I rush down to my work to finish building my bike which took a solid 3 hours. I then get a phone call from my mom saying “hey your appointment is next week not this week”. I was not the happiest camper but hey shit happens.

Got home at around 2 and decided today was a nice day to go riding so I gave Kev a call and we were set. Then it started to rain so you just knew it was going to be a fun day… especially with semi bald tires. Anyways we get up and do a quick lap and run into one of my buddies from high school who is a good trials rider. He was a little more suited to the muck then I was that’s for sure. By the end I had one crash where I fell on my bum and rammed my shoulder into a tree.

Once home enjoyed myself a little bit of dinner. I wasn’t to hungry though because I made myself a full batch of pancakes like 3 hours earlier. After which had a nice bath because lordy my shoulder was sore. A nap was also needed. Anyways that was the day. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Nothing Says Friday Like First Person Shooters Feb 2 2010

So today was a pretty relaxing day. I decided not to put the bike back together, but rather go in on my day off and use all the shop tools to do so. All the parts turned out good as new ish considering the amount of k’s on the drive train. So now no sleep in but rather a nice early morning wake up and a bus ride. I am gunna look crazy on the bus. Hey guys this is my bike with just a frame and wheels. Dur dur dur dur.

After the canucks loss I had to let off a little steam so instead of working out I decided a good online video game sesh was what was needed. I like to kick it old school with the original counter strike. Now I know the graphics are shit, but ma its fun to play. And on top of that the people I play with online are pretty sweet to. Anyways guys that’s my Friday nothing to crazy. Remember if life’s worth living its worth recording.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Got To Love Winter Feb 1 2010

So I am officially dumb. Last time I rode my road bike was about a month ago. It was rainy and not a lot of fun. It was also colder so the anti icing stuff was on the road. I came home from the ride and hung my bike up and forgot about it… until today. So after a long day at work I thought “hey I am going to change that flat I have been putting off for a month, swap the wheels to the correct bikes, and maybe clean the blue road bike while I am at it.” Boy was I in for a surprise. $80 chain rusted together, brakes seized shut. This $2500 bike was at a stand still. So the little clean is now going to be a two day process. Tonight was getting all the parts stripped off the bike, and clean the frame itself. Tomorrow is the fun task of cleaning all the components in the solvent tank and getting them back to normal.

Other then that top was pretty normal. Because I didn’t have much other time to waste seems how the 20min repair quickly became 3 hours in the garage. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording.