Friday, February 19, 2010

Screaming Loud Music And Bicycles Feb 19 2010

So woke up super early this morning to meet up with Eric and Shane at coquitlam station to go for a good mountain bike ride up eagle. Now Eric and I had never ridden eagle before so we thought that Shane was just being a woosy when he said we are only doing one lap. We quickly realized this was no joke when we were hiking up what seemed like a river for 40mintutes the a sketchy road for another 20 minutes. Now we see the end of the trail called 4 lost souls and the first think you see is this 10 foot drop in to a step down that has a lip. I pooped a little.

So we hike up to the top of the trail and start riding. It was not as bad as I thought because everything had a ride around. There was no way my wheels were leaving the ground today. So we get to the end of 4 lost then make our way down the dentist. Which I have to say is probably the most fun I have ever had on a bike. There was this one section that was really rocky, and a little wet through a part of it. I swear that you are up at 30k an hour. Now I rode it once the hiked back up, then again with Eric and he had trouble keeping up with me. Keep in mind I am on a bike with 5 inches of travel and he has one with 8. We get to the bottom adrenaline going and go to do it again. I lead again rippin it try a new line and feel the back end start the wobble. I then don’t turn to try to get in to tuck back in no dice. Wobbles worse and worse. Then bam down at around 30k an hour onto solid rock. I rolled a few times and got back up. My full face had a pretty good chunk out of it after that. I would have to say it was equal to Eric’s fall where his front wheels stuck in the landing from a drop and stopped himself with nothing but his face.

We then proceed to get lost once we rode down the power lines. It was brutal we thought we were gunna die out there for a few minutes. But luckily we cut onto the golf course and ripped through that to make our way to the main street and back to our cars. Just have to say something about riding a full suspension through a course in full gear felt amazing.

Came home slept a little proceeded to get really sore. I have no clue why but the back of my head started hurting…. So the perfect remedy was to go to the concert in Richmond which featured the arkells and our lady peace. Getting there sucked because my navigation was horrid. But once I got there holy cats was it good. The arkells sounded better live then they do on record; and our lady peace were so good that they ripped off my face chewed it and spat it back onto my head leaving it in a mangled screaming smile.

This great day was only topped by an awesomely fast drive home with no hiccups, and kimchi once I was home. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording.

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