Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Evan Vs. A Train Jan 27 2010

Got to love Saturdays. This was an especially good Saturday (Wednesday). Kev and I got up mountain biking early today because he is done his exams. We rode burke but went higher then I have ever been. It was about an hour hike to the trail head that we were going. The trail was called STC and it was scary as hell. Kev ripped ahead while I was riding slow crappin my pants. I was pretty comfy on the bike for the first three quarters but the last little bit sketched me out because I crashed then that was backed but some technical riding which is not my strong suite. After getting back on the fire road we decided to ride my second favourite trail. For the first time I was riding the man made parts of the trail. All in all I think I advanced my riding skill a little more.

After getting home had a quick nap then it was back on the road. The 45-minute commute to the velodrome was topped by my epic race with the train. It seems at least once every month this happens. A train will sneak up below the highway and do to speed limits it can only go about 35k an hour… so the only logical thing to do is race it. Sounds easy but the Highway is anything but level. In the end it edged me out but not by much. The cops writing speeding tickets told me I was doing 34 so not that bad.

Once at the velodrome did my standard workout, and because I am out of shape this was a lot harder then usual. The hour at 40k an hour quickly became 50 mins. I quickly changed and rode home The ride home SUCKED I bonked worse then I have in a while. The commute home which is primarily downhill took over an hour. As soon as I walked in the door at ate more then I have in a long time. The proceeded to lay down and have a sore stomach…. But man was it worth it.

Possibly the biggest news is with Eagle Ridge Hospital. Got word today that they are backing me 100%. My blog will be linked on there website, and they will help me with the promotion side of the ride. I am over the moon with that news. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording.

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