Saturday, June 5, 2010

Frisbee Lesson June 5 2010

It was a nice relaxing day today. First off it was nice to see the sun again that has been a rare thing the past few weeks. As a person who commuted by human power it makes getting around and hanging out with friends so much easier as well. I no longer have to show up in full rain gear and loom like a dingus the entire time.

Got home from work and my allergies starting acting up because I road through a storm of cotton wood. Now instead of using a normal solution like cleariton or something I just decided to go play a game of Frisbee with Vicky right back where the cottonwood storm was. Funny thing is it actually sort of worked because I don’t have itchy eyes anymore; mind you that was probly because I was distracted from rubbing them for 3 hours. Why does it feel so awesome when you rub you eyes? Why cant they make it like a searing pain when u touch sore eyes? Why make it feel nice?

Other then that not a whole lot is new spent most of the night blasting a few tunes. Tonight’s vibe was a little bit of house music coming from a stellar indie band named karton . Defiantly check them out if you are looking to waste a few minutes. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording.

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