Thursday, June 17, 2010

My First Day Up At Whistler Coud Not Be Better June 17 2010

What an awesome day. I feel like in the space of 12 hours so much has happened. I guess I have the tough job of summing it up into a few paragraphs.

The day started off normal with Cody waking me up with what had to be the loudest fart ever heard, fallowed by my sister calling 3 times which I thought was an alarm so I hit the snooze button. After cracking a window and discovering the amazing ness that is a toilet that has two buttons on it we were set to roll out.

Breakfast was a quick McDonalds stop, which I hear is the best riding food. Even just climbing up to the gondola was a little rough as those 2 sausage mcmuffins settled in nicely. I was pretty nervous about one thing… getting my bike onto the rack that holds the bikes. The first time I panicked and almost lost it but thankful I am awesome and saved it.

I could not tell you what trails we rode in exact order but we rode everything that was open so I was pretty stoked. After 2 runs my nerves had settled and I was getting comfortable with the geometry on kev’s DH bike. If you have never ridden whistler this is what you have to look forward to. I watch that video and it brings back memories from just 8 hours ago. The feeling of nailing your first tabletop is unspeakable. It is so smooth and you have that light bulb go on in your head.

After 2 runs of being stubborn I decided too cave and buy myself some riders goggles which made a world of difference. Not having to squint and cry the whole way down the trail was pretty awesome. I have to say after riding everything my favourite trail as of right now has to be crank it up sans the horrid studder bums in the corners which are getting fixed as I type.

By the end of the ninth run we were ready to call it a day. My biceps (I could not spell it on the computer because I use that word so much) were feeling it almost as much as my hands. I had zero to complain about because it was such a riot. We made a few new friends and were ready to bounce. After saying a quick goodbye to my sister we were off.

I got the lucky passenger seat and got to sleep the whole way back to Vancouver. It was the sweet sound of my neck snapping side to side that woke me up. The drive home from the portion I was awake for was really weird. We were driving and this light on lougheed is red so we stop. We see this guy beside us run the red and go this is weird because the other lights are green so that is supper illegal. Then we hear the guy behind us honk about a minute later for no reason because the light is red. He then proceeds to pass us and run the red. After another light changing we managed to figure out all the lights were working except the one that guided us where we were going.

After that you would think things would go smooth but they didn’t we ran into a flashing red light and more traffic then could be imagined but it was all worth it. We still had an amazing day; I mean you cant ask for more then hanging out with one of your best mates, riding bikes, and jamming out to some good tunes on the ride back. All in all a great weekend adventure. Remember if life is worth living its worth recording.

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