Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Iron DQ June 9 2010

I forgot to mention this yesterday. I was commuting to work and drafting off this van in front of me. Now I am keeping up with traffic not doing any harm and leaving enough space if I had to make an emergency stop. So I stop at the light and this man rolls down his window and says to me “ride the bike like a while man”. Now I was really confused by this and all I could think of saying to this man was “thank you”. He then pealed out and lift me in a plume of diesel exhaust. Now biking is something that I have never seen or heard any stereotypes for.

Today started out with a bang because I decided to wake up at 7 am and head to work to do a wheel true on my touring bike. The wheel true then turned into cable replacement which quickly became brake replacement then pretty much an overhaul. All in all it took about three hours and a few cuss words.

After I went home to pick up my mountain bike to go for a ride with cody. So we meet at the shop (I swear I spend more time there on my days off then I do when I work) and cody tells me that a bolt on his fork broke and he could not go for a ride. Instead I decided to go to the pump track thinking I would stay clean. Instead I got supper muddy and did not get a good ride in. On the plus side tomorrow should be jam packed with action which I will save for then.

After getting cleaned up I went out with dad for the first time in a while. We went to the fish and chip place that was selling illegal fish from the natives and funnily now the prices have a big red number over the painted numbers on the windows. The number is now higher then it was before of course. Still I am not complaining because it filled my stomach and got me ready for the movie.

Iron man 2 was what I expected typical cheesy marvel at its finest. It had a few laughs and a few good action points. The hot girl was hot, and the bad guy was a bad guy. All in all a good classic formula. To close out the night we treated ourselves to DQ and were greeted by the dumbest person I have personally ever met. I now it is bad of me to judge but he gave off a smell of dumb. We put in our order and then decided to change a few things. He has to call the manger and still gets it wrong. He then takes 2.75 minutes to fix said order and tell us the total. Before that he confirms the order by asking “what wa wa wa did you get man”. We then give him money and he clicks the wrong button and skips the part where the computer tells him the amount of change to give us. This is where the wheels fell off the bus. I do not know what our school system is doing but whatever it did failed for this guy. He forgot the total first off so I had to tell him then the mouth fell open. Right away I knew the change amount but I did not want to make it easy maybe this could be a good learning experience… well it was not. I ended up feeding him the figure after about a minute of stumbling. Anyways that was the night. Remember if life is worth living it is worth recording.

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