Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tour Day 2 Hello Manning Park June 26 2010

Well day 2 started at 1:30am because I fell asleep at around 8 last night so my body woke me up. Fortunately I had the rolling stones put me back to sleep for a nice 5am wake up. After beak fest and a quick camp takedown we were off on the road.

It takes some getting used to being loaded and pacing yourself for a long day in the saddle. Case and point today I paced myself like I was on my road bike so when the pass came I was dead half way up. I have not blown up that hard in a long time. My legs did not want to turn over, and my mind was constantly think how far back was that 19km till manning park resort. Fortunately we made the summit in one piece and got some food in us. I have never enjoyed the taste of cow more in my life. This meal I feel had other meaning as well because it was the first time that Charles and Oliver cracked a joke. In my mind solidifying out friendship. Charles says this in French then gets Oliver to translate “did I wake you?” I said, “No you were quiet as a mouse.” To which Oliver says, “Except “he does not have the shape of one.” It was at that time the funniest thing I had ever heard, but that’s what doing 5 hours of hills does to you.

After lunch we were told that the campsite we were going to stay at only had a handful of sites left and they don’t take reservations. So Oliver and I hoped into action and raced down to the site.

Now it is time for a quick rest before I make some supper for myself. Here is looking forward to a rest day in 2 days. Remember if life is worth living it is worth recording.

In other news my left hand has been rendered next to useless I have no explanation why it is not strong or even 50% functional because my right is completely fine. Perhaps a fitting issue?
Distance: 80.18km
Ride Time: 5:50hrs
Avg. Speed: 13.73km/h
Total Distance: 223km
Total Ride Time: 12:22hrs

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ev, You speak of Oliver and Charles, what direction are they taking?

    Left hand numb? ease up leaning left side too hard on the bars for some time.
